My work
Everything about the Spain's Congress (2016). Design and development
Interactive tool for Obama 'State of the Union' address (2016). Design and development
The debate in Twitter (2015). Developed using D3.js.
Rumbo Al Verano (2014).
EL PAÍS mobile site. (2012-2014) Design and development of the mobile site of EL PAIS.
Eskup microsite (2011)
La huella de Aznar (2003)
- complete redesign (2006). First CSS approach for the website. In that time, had already over 8 millions of unique visitors.
Ayuntamiento de Moguer (2002)
LCA TV (2001). Design and development of a famous TV show website.
Máquina del tiempo (2000)
Emulatronia (1998). Design and development of the most relevant Spanish emulators website in 1998.
eskup para iPhone e iPad
(2011) Design and development of Eskup, app app intented to use the EL PAIS social network. It is developed in HTML5, CSS3 and JS but it feels native.
EL PAÍS main apps design
(2012-2016) Design of current apps for iPhone and Android.
Charts library for EL PAÍS
(2011-2015) Development and design in javascript of the drawing library for all election results, including charts and maps.. Maximum legibility and compatibility (canvas and SVG).
10 mandamientos
(2007) Part of the planifictation and character animation in the first presentation of the project
Tour El Selector
(2009) Idea, design and development of this tour through the website 'El Selector'.
(1998) Idea, design and development of AulaType, an app for learning to type. aplicación para el aprendizaje de mecanografía. The user usually reaches 40 wds/min in a short period of time in a enjoyable way. Entertaining lessons, dictation and games contributes to a effective learning.
(1996) Balltris was a Tetris based game with a spooky touch. I did the graphics and it was developed in C language. It was published by PC Actual, a popular magazine in Spain.
Assorted icons and drawings for -
Some logos drawn entirely by hand -
Some of the covers I made for the electronic magazine Magazine ZX -
Themed headings made for